Message from the President

Please allow me to greet you all with Islam’s universal greetings of Peace, Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wal Barkat! May the Peace and Blessings of the most merciful, the most beneficent be upon us All.

Congratulations with heartfelt felicitation to the hosts, Negros Island Coordinating Council and its member Chapters Associations, the Organizing Committees for the successful planning and conduct of this bi-annual event. My foremost gratitude to our past National President Bro Joel Jarinilla for taking on the challenge to hosts this year’s NLC and subsequently to be the Conference Director.

To the participants coming from all over the country, thank you for taking time out from your summer get-aways to be with us for this significant event, that is Leadership we are all bound to learn and adapt in our local organizations. With the 23rd National Leadership Conference’s theme: “Fostering Enhanced Leadership and Management Capabilities for Young Alphans” is apt and of the essence in our lifetime desire for an Enlightened Leadership, Transparent Management of local affairs wherein accountability will spell one’s integrity. I always believe that leaders are made not born, they are nurtured, honed, and never inherited nor rammed to one’s throat. Convinced since my early days in Silliman University that Alphans are all trained to be leaders, that is why year in and year out we must be trained and focused on training future leaders.

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